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Love Heals Body Mind and Spirit is not a new concept of faith awareness and spiritual healing through conventional religious faith, the idea of spiritual healing through the medium of Christian and Holistic religious faith has been around for many centuries especially on the sub continent of India.

The UK team of Love Heals Body Mind and Spirit takes its initiative from this age old Indian Christian Spirituality, and puts it into context with the traditional thinking’s and practices of today’s modern Catholic Christian world blending together in a multi cultural melting pot the very essence of God’s infinite love for each and every one of us.

This particular form of Christian spirituality brings together a teaching deep rooted in the Indian Christian culture, it is important to understand the historical legacy that has been handed down through the ages since the time of St Thomas the Apostle traversing across this vast Indian sub-continent. The team have had the good fortune to travel to the area of India where St Thomas is so renowned. In our particular case it was in Kerala Southern India, that we first came across this extraordinary outpouring of Christian faith and spirituality. In the case of our team we became involved with a Catholic Order of Religious Sisters called ‘The Medical Sisters of St Joseph’.

The order was founded in Nineteen Forty Four by the Reverend  Father Joseph Panjikaran  He himself was a Catholic Father of the Syro Malabar Catholic Rite, this Rite comes under the auspice of the Roman Catholic Pontiff in Rome, and is ultimately governed by the Holy See of Rome. Father Joseph states that he was called by our Lord to help all those in need regardless of colour, creed, sex, religious faith, and material wealth. In particular his calling was to form a religious order of Sisters to administer to the sick, and dying, the homeless, and those living in abject poverty. 

The most important factor was that all the treatment and services were given free, its intention is “That it should radiate the compassionate life of Jesus Christ to all that approach for medical aid”. This religious ideal was practiced then and is still carried through to this day. The ‘Medical Sisters of St Joseph’ now number over one thousand and are spread all over the world administering to the sick and needy. The Sisters swear an oath of: Obedience – Charity – Poverty, their aim is to provide free complete health care effectively and efficiently through its dedicated personnel without any discrimination of caste, creed, age, or sex in the society.

Our Spiritual Director is Sister Doctor Betty Nina (Medical Sisters of St Joseph) she is a Religious Sister,  Doctor and Physician of some forty years, who originally welcomed the team to the Retreat that she founded in Kerala, whilst we follow the ethos  of Sister Betty it is important to point out that these teachings are also the teachings of the ‘Medical Sisters of St Joseph’, and therefore aligned to the religious doctrinarian of the Roman Catholic faith. The principles of Sister Betty’s experiences are based on the Holistic way of healing through the Body Mind and Spirit


The Love Heals Body Mind and Spirit Ministry are

Associate Members of the Lay Order of The Medical Sisters of St Joseph's













The team in the UK have regular retreat days in the U.K. and are contactable for more information on the email address on our contact page. The team are available to come to Parishes at the Parish Priests request to give retreat days, or half day scripture based talks, Catholic meditation and healing prayers. Again please contact us through the email address on the contacts page.

Love Heals Body Mind and Spirit Ministry can also be found in the Southwark Diocese Year Book, on sale from Southwark Cathedral Bookshop and most Parish Churches within the Southwark Diocese.


The Ministry was founded in 2004


The Ministry Team make no distinctions between any Christian Denominations and are available to all Christian groups and organisations; 

We are at one in unity with the Lord


1 Thessalonians Chapter 5: Verse 23 - And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.



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