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Penny February 2024


Thank you so very much for the wonderful LHBMS Meeting in Wimbledon on Saturday 17th February 2024.   During Eileen’s guided Meditation to meet Our Lord Jesus I received this beautiful message:

Be Still
Be Comforted
Be Healed
Be Joyful
Be Grateful

I have Cancer and was originally told that it was inoperable and that I probably had only 3-6 months to live.   My only option would be chemotherapy, but I am extremely thin and this would have killed me quicker than the cancer.   After two Pilgrimages, the first to Lourdes and the second to the Greek Island of Skiathos, I had a biopsy and told that I had NeuroEndocrine Tumour which was treatable by  monthly injections.   I am 81 years old.


 Ana Maria


Ana attended a retreat and after hearing a talk on 'Love Heals' and meditation she shared the following with us:


Ana Maria


Why the Word LOVE


Love is the feeling that lives in the deepest of your heart.

It is a seed that is born within you.

Love is the biggest treasure that dwells in your Heart.

If you strive to discover it, the world will have won a new being.

The world would have advanced one more step through the evolution.

Discover it and help others to discover it.




Rosaleen Walsh


I am happy to share my reflections on our day of retreat at the church of Our Lady and St Gregory near Regent Street, central London on June 30th 2012.


First of all I would like to say it was my second day of retreat that I spent with the Body Mind and Spirit Meditation group.

I first attended at the Meditation group at the  church of Sacred Heart in Wimbledon on June 16th and was delighted to find something so uplifting and encouraging.


This is something I have been searching for many years and I was not dissapointed in what I found.

 I think it is important to note that my experience of finding the venue was not easy, but Our Lady of Walsingham came to the rescue, sister Sheila who lives in Walsingham aided me through the mobile texting me names and addresses of churches in the Regents Street area and I was nearly going to go home when she came up with "Our Lady and St Gregory", I knew that was it. I was meant to be there.


David began by kindly welcoming us and saying today we are going to do Lectio Divina., imagine you are in the scene and be still. It was a beautiful meditation. I imagined I was sitting on a bench beside Jesus and he said to me ; "Do you want to follow me 100% Rose?"  "Yes I do" I replied and He told me to persevere in prayer . Stay close to Him.


Being in an atmosphere of trust I felt relaxed enough to be open with my "brothers and sisters" about how I  responded to the text. It was simple but sincere. Everyone in the group shared and the respect  and trust between the group  grew very quickly.

Afterwards we shared lunch and we chatted and enjoyed each others  company as if we had known one another for years.  This aspect of the day was an healing in warmth. It was a divine gift.

After lunch we had a seminar about the Trinity which furthered my understanding.


We had a short break for a strawberry and cream tea, generously presented to us by Eileen who celebrated the tennis at Wimbledon with this treat for us! No wonder we were so happy like a little family.


The highlight for me was to come;

The laying on of hands in healing. The team prayed over us individually and Sara prayed over me. As she did so I felt a tremendous warmth in my neck and head just like when Jesus said ; "I am the potter, you are the clay". 

There was a change occurring within me that was tangible and a sense of true healing,  body and soul. Sara hardly touched my head and neck but it was as though I was putty in the hands of the Maker.



It is the most welcoming and friendly place to be with a team of kind enthusiastic leaders who make you feel immediately a part of the family.

There is a balanced mixture of prayer, reflection and sharing which feeds the soul in a delicate gentle manner. One senses God in the midst ot these people and a loving atmosphere of support for one another.

David,  Eileen, Sara and the team are witness to  a real commitment to the work for the community in  Kerala.


Thank you so much for this day.


Margaret Lee Testimony

On my first 'Love Heals Body Mind and Spirit' seminar, after a few obstacles in my getting there, I discovered how, truly Gods Ways are not our Ways!  
Having read about the seminars in the Good News Magazine I really wanted to find out more and I thought I would go and learn a new way of prayer, etc to bring home. On the day I experienced a very warm welcome from David and Eileen, after a cup of Coffee I went into the room for the programme. There was lovely background music accompanying DVD images of scenes to meditate on as the room filled.  The whole atmosphere was peaceful.  

David gave a reading from the Bible ‘MY YOKE IS EASY & MY BURDENS LIGHT’ not always easy for me to understand but he explained on it.  I really felt it was a ‘new’ way to understand it. Praise God! 
A lovely day followed and then before we left, we had personal prayer as I prepared my intentions I felt a heavy ache over my heart  and felt it was my full heart of love filling to burst for my estranged family, who I have seen many gone astray.  
As I was being prayed over, I felt as if a weight left my shoulders. I did not question it but felt something had happened.  (We all said good bye). 

Next morning, after Mass I felt as if the Holy Spirit was explaining the weight loss as ‘my family had been Yoked to me, weighing me down I should be yoked to him’ (Jesus) so I would be freed and so would they. I felt a great joy (and not loss)  and then I really felt a great desire also to pass a lot of other ‘weights’ thorough Mary and Jesus, as most of the ‘burdens’ were not really mine.  It has been ongoing, I am seeing fruits slowly (in my family especially) but I feel a lot ‘lighter’ and more free to do God’s will. 

Thank you all. Margaret Lee 

Francesco Sesia Testimony

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Just too let you know that at the Seminar in St Vincents Centre Victoria on Saturday 11th  February 2010, after the mass, during the Adoration of the Eucharist.
I saw a light flickering from the host, and then after the Adoration as Father Anton did the blessing with the Monstrance, as I was kneeling there there was a great sense of peace and a ray of light that went from my head down to the souls of my feet, and I fell into ecstasy for a minute. 
The Spirit stayed for a long time, even now as I am writing to you, his Love is surrounding me this very minute. I feel like as if I am walking on air, 

Amen Praise The Lord.

God Bless

Francesco Sesia






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